Monday, March 13, 2006; Venue Review; Corbett vs. Dempsey

Venue review published in March 2006,

Corbett vs. Dempsey
(Art Gallery)
1120 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago
Tel: (773) 278-1664

Corbett vs. Dempsey focuses on a niche that has somehow gone virtually untapped by other galleries: Chicago artists. Emphasizing Chicago painting and works on paper from 1940-1970, the gallery has a specific interest in "great regional art, and art that maybe hasn't had its day." The quiet subplot of each CvD show is that Chicago is and has been a major city for world class art, and the success of CvD's exhibitions back up this conviction. Since owners John Corbett and Jim Dempsey enjoy scavenging and storytelling, the exhibitions often emphasize the artist's back story. For example, Corbett and Dempsey once traveled to a warehouse in Florida to track down a lead on WPA artist Eve Garrison. This trip led to the discovery of a huge body of Garrison's work and a successful CvD show, and the detective work involved in tracking down the paintings became an integral part of the way that Garrison's work was explained to gallery visitors. It has also exhibited the work of Chicago Imagist Philip Hanson, the paintings of Robert Amft and the feminist nudes and figures of Linda Kramer.

Longtime friends and collaborators who initially collaborated on a Sun Ra project, Corbett and Dempsey have different and complementary curatorial styles at openings. Corbett springs around like an energetic cat, making introductions and talking excitedly about the work, while Dempsey's quiet friendliness put everyone at ease. The airy gallery space above Dusty Groove records affords an expansive view of Wicker Park's East Village, and is smattered with varied architectural salvages and art finds, further evidence of the gallery's emphasis in uncovering overlooked artifacts.

Reviewed By: Gretchen Kalwinski